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Embracing your Purpose
Life-ing Like You Mean It

Hello everybody! Welcome to another fantastic journey on The Conscious Home Podcast. This time we’ll be focusing on ourselves, our purpose, and how waking up to our authenticity completely transforms us.

In this episode, I shared about being unapologetically myself. It’s something I’m often praised for, my “superpower” if you will. But it wasn’t always like this. There was a time when I felt caught between the expectations of a professional image and my own soul’s compass—the unique spark that makes me, well, “me.”

So, how do we navigate between societal expectations and our authentic selves? It’s a tough question to answer. I’m often reminded of the fact that our biggest fear is not that we are inadequate. It’s that we are powerful beyond measure. But, how can we live up to this power when we aren’t even sure who we truly are?

The key? Self-discovery. One method I highly recommend is journaling. There’s something about putting pen to paper that not only captures our thoughts but also connects the subtler dots scattered all around us—those little cosmic signs nudging us in the right direction.

Now, keep in mind, once you set out on this path, things will shift. You might suddenly find that certain aspects of your life that you’ve been clinging to don’t serve you any longer. When that happens, don’t get scared. Change is the universe’s way of saying, “Hey, you’ve outgrown this part of your life. Let’s see what else is out there for you.”

Often, this inevitable change looks like destruction in our lives. But trust me, it’s necessary to make room for what’s really meant for us. Being unhappy with change is perfectly normal, but remember, it’s through uncomfortable moments that we truly grow.

The culmination of all this? Authenticity. Allowing ourselves to be ourselves—unfiltered, undiluted. Living our purpose means embracing the essence of who we are, pursuing what brings us joy, and, ultimately, finding happiness.

So, let’s continue to learn and grow together, one step at a time.

See you there!

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