Like the concentric circles around the sun, our archetypes are composed of multilayered elements. Crafted from aspects such as our founder’s spiritual journey, 28 years of interior design experience, research & data, the universe’s life lessons, and the influence of those surrounding us–these components form the layered structure of each archetype.
Imagine your core needs and desires as a pie. The Archetypes embody different slices of it, each touching various points to maintain perfect balance. Each Archetype is broken down into components: The Embodiment, The Limitations, The Path Forward, and lastly, the Archetype’s essentials. These essentials encompass everything from furnishings and decor to crystals, essential oils, meditation practices, and specific ingredients for cooking — all aimed at balancing your system. If you find yourself feeling stressed, unbalanced, or lacking love, one of your archetypes may be misaligned and in need of attention.
When conceptualizing the Archetypes, envision them as the best version of yourself and your life that you want called into your present existance. Connect to the energy of what you hold true for your ideal life, and that vision will embody your ideal archetype. You will find yourself resonating with one or several, some aligning with the best parts of yourself. While this resonance is invaluable, our role is to pinpoint which piece of your puzzle requires attention in order for you to thrive. Our thoughtfully created quiz will match you with your chosen Archetype. The results you receive today may change from those you get six months from now, as the outcome aligns with the archetype that supports your current needs. You’re not meant to mirror just one archetype at all times. As we traverse different life stages, our souls need various experiences and necessities. Our growth, transformation, and accomplishments lead us through phases. In response, the tools to support that growth are ever evolving and will need to align with each phase of our evolution. While you may not relate to certain sections of the description, your future self or even your inner child may resonate with them. It is comforting to realize these feelings are universal, not exclusive to you. So, maintain an open mind when reviewing your results — they may eventually resonate with you.
We’re transitioning into a new, awakened era, where we can actively create surroundings and practices that lead us towards becoming our true authentic selves.

Unravel the essence of human experiences encapsulated in six key archetypes: Kin, Prospeh, Ardor, Bliss, Vigor, and Still. Each archetype, named with thoughtfulness and insight, paints a unique portrait of core human needs and desires.

/kin/ Derived from the word ‘kinship’—to feel close to someone—Kin embodies grounding and connection. Connected and grounded; with nature, like-minded individuals, and themselves. Feeling solid with their true self, Kin is secure in their choices. They don’t chase—they attract.
/pros·peh/ Derived from the word ‘prosper’—to succeed—Prospeh embodies wealth and success. This archetype is fueled by an intense passion for success in work, personal growth, and social life. Prospeh dreams big, visualizing a life abundant in comfort, success, and luxury.

/ar·dor/ Derived from the word ‘adore’—to love deeply—Ardor embodies love and passion. A die-hard romantic that views their life through rose-colored glasses. This archetype isn’t just about romance—it’s about self-love and nurturing an intense fiery passion for life.

/bliss/ Derived from the word ‘blissful’—to be full of happiness—Bliss embodies joy and high vibration. Those who embody the Bliss archetype cultivate and spread joy, and are mesmerizingly fun to be around, emitting a vibrant, creative energy that is beautifully infectious.

/vig·or/ Derived from the word ‘vigorous’—to be strong, healthy, and full of energy—Vigor is conscious of what they consume emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Holding high regard for themselves, they demonstrate this by taking care of their wellbeing.

/still/ Derived from the word ‘stillness’—deep silence and calm—Still takes the time to foster peace in their mind, body, and soul. The Still archetype is open to self-improvement opportunities, embracing growth, both emotionally, physically, and spiritually.